Language plays a vital part in any relationship. Language is the medium in which we communicate our ideas and feelings to others. Language distinguishes man from animal. Of all creations, only man is gifted with the ability to speak with words. Words that we speak are powerful. In the beginning, God spoke and the things happened. By the words, Jesus ministered to the sick, broken-hearted, needy and the poor. Words have the power either to heal or wound a heart, lift or quench a spirit, restore and destroy a relationship. The Bible says, `the tongue has the power of life and death (Pro. 18:21). Here are a few practical tips on how certain words can make a world of difference in our daily communication.


I AM SORRY (Luke 15:17-24)

There are times when we knowingly or unknowingly offend others. Jesus said it is sin to offend your brother. We need to admit our fault and respect the hurt feeling of the other person. When we say, `I am sorry; it has the power to heal the hearts of others and to cleanse our own hearts. The broken fellowship can be restored. When the prodigal son came back realizing his fault, he told his father that he was sorry. The father forgave him and it brought great rejoicing in the house.


THANK YOU (Luke 17:11-19)

Those two little words have amazing power to gladden the heart of the giver and satisfy the heart of the receiver. Expressing thankfulness will go a long way in building relationships. Jesus was happy when one leper came back to thank him, where all the other nine did not bother about Jesus at all. Ungrateful hearts are cold and cloudy but a thankful heart is healthy and joyful.


IT’S ALRIGHT (John 8: 1-11)

This little phrase gives you the assurance that your brother forgives you and is not offended by your actions or words. It removes doubts and fears between you and your brother. It also confirms his love to you. Jesus told the woman with guilt and shame that stood in the midst of the religious leaders who condemned her to death, `Woman, go and sin no more. Jesus was telling her `it’s alright. `I accept you. Do not worry about your past. We need to spread the same message to others who have broken the relationship with us and to our heavenly father.


YOU DID A GOOD THING (Mark 14:3-9)

We look for acceptance from those who are above us, under us and around us. Lack of acceptance by others can make a person miserable, if not rebellious. While the disciples criticized Mary for pouring the costly perfume out, Jesus told her that she did a good thing and commended her for her good work. A word of appreciation to your brother or sister can boost their spirit but the lack of appreciation would discourage the heart.


EXCELLENT (Matthew 16:13-19; Romans 12:15)

When our brother or sister passes an examination or when someone is credited with an outstanding achievement, appreciate him or her saying, `it is excellent. That means you are happy with the achievement of your brother and that you are not jealous. It blesses your heart in turn. Rejoice with those who rejoice. WhenPeter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, Jesus admired him.


LOVE YOU (John 13:34; I John 4:10-12)

Love is the essence of Christianity. Just as sweetness is the very nature of sugar, love is Gods nature. Bible says, `God is love. He demonstrated the greatest example of love to the world on the cross of Calvary. Jesus said, `Love one another as I have loved you. We should not take others for granted. We must verbalize your love to one another. When you confess `I love you, you are touching the very heart of the other person. Words will work wonders. They would heal, mend and lift souls.

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