Money – a boon or a bane?

I remember as a small boy in our village grandpa hanging flypapers almost every evening. Well, flypaper is an ordinary newspaper with honey-like sweet, sticky substance on both sides. You can see flies coming from all over so enthusiastically saying, “I want the honey, I want the honey.” The fly lands and begins to eat, saying, “I got the honey, I got the honey.” When the fly tries to leave, the paper finally says, “I got the fly, I got the fly.”

People just have one slogan nowadays, “I want the money, I want the money” and before they know it, the money has got them! People get enslaved in debts, loans, and stress of money.

Finances are a good thing that God has given us, but if not handled properly, it can be disastrous. The only way we can handle money is by God’s wisdom.

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